Jason Isaacs interjú
2008.06.26. 22:47
A Coming Soon interjút készített a Lucius Malfoy karakterét megformáló Jason Isaacsszel...
A színész, aki Lucius Malfoyt játssza a Potter filmekben, új interjút adott a ComingSoon.net-nek, aki sok kérdést feltett neki a szerepével kapcsolatban. Isaacs beszámolt arról, hogy tárgyalta meg Jo-val karakterét a Halál Ereklyéiben.
CS: What was it like to pick up the final "Harry Potter" book when it came out and not know what was in there, especially for you?
Isaacs: I'm not quite strong enough to pick up a book of that weight. I had a couple of people to help me, and a winch. The secret can be out now. Before it came out I wasn't quite sure – there was a point where I wasn't sure I was going to do anymore because there wasn't much for me to do in number five and I wasn't in number six. I met Jo Rowling for the first time at a big awards dinner. I went over and basically fell to my knees and said "Get me out of prison, I beg you." She looked over her shoulder and looked back at me mouthing "You're out. Chapter One." And that was it, that's all I had to know, and I signed up immediately... (sajnos még nem sikerült lefordítani, de hamarosan az is meg lesz)
A teljes interjút itt megnézheted!